
First Day of Summer

It's officially Summer here in Texas. It's 97 degrees outside. But that's not stopping Jay from hammering away at the rest of the plywood ceiling for our hangar/house. I tried to keep him company since I can't really help at all. I think I lasted an hour before I went inside because it was too dang hot. He's a trooper. I know he's gotta be dying up there. I was dying sitting in a rocking chair infront of a fan and an ice box.

So if he can make it through a few more sheets of plywood before suffering from heat stroke, we will have ourselves a finished ceiling! Then comes electric and plumbing, AC ventilation, dry wall, tape and bed, texture, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and we're ready to move in! And then we can worry about the upstairs.

We've got a little over a hundred days before Corbin makes his arrival! We're racing to make sure he has a home to come home to. Well, Jay is racing. I'm slowly fetching ice water and handing him tools. Good news is: Corbin should be very used to the sound of power tools once he's on the outside. Probably more soothing than Mozart by now.

Well I think I'll go make myself useful and offer another round of water.

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