Oh who was I kidding thinking that I could pull together a nursery from mix matched pieces strewn across the interwebs. I finally found an affordable all-aviation bedding set! Most baby boy bedding sets with planes also include trucks and ships and the occasional train. So here it is! CoCo & Company's 4 piece crib set- Zoom Along! The set includes the quilt, bumper, fitted sheet, and dust ruffle for under $100!

I like to think I'm crafty, but I know I can't sew/applique/screen print anything near as cute as this. I'm in a rare mood where I will actually tolerate the matchiness of a bedding set.

It's just dumb luck that I stumbled upon this bedding set today. I've been toying with a Babies R Us registry for awhile, using it to keep a mental picture of how much stuff our Tater Tot is going to need. Well, they have been having alot of inventory issues and it seems everytime I log in half of my items are unavailable. So I clicked over to check out Target's baby registry and low and behold they have the items I'm eyeing in stock! I start working my way through their baby store and there I find the cutest baby boy bedding set ever!

It won't be long now! A few more months of hard work and planning and our house will be ready to move into! I just hope the rest of our house will look as good as this nursery!

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