
Background Story: Second Appointment

April 19th, 2010

Roswitha was our midwife this time and she is a great. We listened to the heart beat on the doppler and it was strong 155 bpm. She laughed when I asked her if that meant it was a girl. "Boys and girls heartbeats are the same at this point" she said. Jay didn't go with me to this appointment so they took the opportunity to make sure he wasn't abusing me by having me fill out a survey. I was quite shocked by it. Have you seen my boyfriend? I hate to joke about domestic violence but I'd more likely be the candidate for abuser (still a derby girl at heart). He couldn't abuse anyone. Before I left we scheduled our next two appointments- one regular check up and the big anatomical ultrasound screening.

Oh and my blood type turns out to be O negative. So if Jay has positive blood I get a shot in my bum to protect the next baby from being attacked by my body.

In other news I have been obsessed with finding a name for this little guy. When I present lists to Jay I tend to overwhelm him with names and he ends up saying "no" to all of them because they all sound the same after awhile. Sometimes he just says "You pick" or "You'll find the right one" but then when I find one or two I really like- he doesn't. We have decided on Corbin for a boy and are between Emily, Lucy, and Amelia for a girl. Middle names are still up in the air. I feel like we are closer to nailing down a name, hopefully before the anatomical ultrasound.

My mood has been improving, with one hiccup last night. We were about to fall asleep when I started messing with Jay, climbing on him and tickling him to wake back up. When he asked me what I was doing, I sat up and cried "I want to go to a water park!" And then I sat there and laugh/cried, eventually just crying about how huge I'll be when it's summer and I want to go to a water park before it's too late. Poor boy didn't know what to do. He just lost it and laughed until he could hardly breathe.

Back to name hunting ... More to come.

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