
Background Story: First Appointment

After doing some research online, we tour the Austin Area Birthing Center. We love it! Since we don't have adequate health insurance we'll be paying cash for all the prenatal appointments and the labor and delivery. We make an appointment for our first prenatal exam around the time we guess our peanut is about 11 weeks developed.

March 19th, 2010

The birth center rotates on call midwives, so you meet with a different midwife at each appointment so that you are somewhat comfortable with whoever happens to be on call when you go into labor. Our midwife for our first appointment was Annabelle. She is super nice, funny, and incredibly knowledgeable. Maybe I'm so warm and fuzzy for her because she snuck us in the ultrasound room to sneak a peak at our baby.

We got to see his heart beat, his head bobble around, and his arms and legs wiggling and kicking away. She had to step out for a second and let us try to find him on our own. Jay got it on the first try. I couldn't find him anywhere. They sit a lot lower than I would have guessed.

The rest of the appointment was not as exciting. Internal exam, blood drawn, pee in a cup. I was anxious for the results to come back. I haven't been to a doctor in years, partly due to a mild breast cancer scare from some less than professional doctors at a health clinic back home. Annabelle assured me my breasts were fine and later the results came back looking great. My iron levels were a little close to concerning but so far so good.

Oh and we got take home presents:

More to come.

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