
Background Story: Telling Everyone

We didn't want to tell anyone too soon. If you spill the beans and something horrible happens and you lose the baby, you have to explain over and over what happened. That can all be avoided by simply waiting until you are in the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy.

Janice knew from the time I peed on the stick. When I flew home to visit my friends and family I thought I would break the news to Mom and Dad, soon-to-be Grandma and Grandpa. I went back to Duckwall's where I bought the infamous pregnancy tests. And there I found 2 matching bibs that say "I love Grandma" "I love Grandpa". I also ordered personalized M&M's online that said "October 2010", "Grandma" "Grandpa" and "We're Pregnant!". My original plan was to take them out to eat and ask the waiter to put the M&M's on a dessert plate. Then I remembered my Dad's heart issues and his anxiety and I thought it best to do it at home where he is cloes to his pills. So I wrapped their bibs in pink and blue gift bags and boarded my flight for VA.

I watched videos online of couples telling their family in similar ways. The grandparents saying things like "No way! Are you serious??" and screaming in excitement. In hindsight, those couples were probably married. And those grandparents were probably hoping everyday for grandkids. My parents were not expecting this. But on the off chance they were secretly hoping for grandkids I decided to record the experience. Less than an hour after getting off the plane I went and got their pink and blue gift bags and hit record on my camera. I was convinced I was "showing" and I was getting hot in my baggy sweater trying to cover my "bump".

My Dad's reaction: "Reeeeeeeeally?"
My Mom's reaction: "Wow. How far along are you?"

I was right at 12 weeks just before the 2nd tri phase. I told them atleast they didn't have to worry about me drinking and driving while I was borrowing their car for my visit. I didn't tell anyone else that visit, I didn't want it to come back in a facebook comment and somehow get to someone Jay wanted to tell in person. So I kept my mouth shut. I wanted to tell everyone I ran into, but I waited. Once Jay finally told everyone he wanted to tell in person, I got the go ahead to make the announcement on facebook. Then we were officially out.

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