
23 Week Bump Comparisons

There are a few things to note when comparing the picture on the left, which is approximately 20 weeks, and the picture on the right, 23 weeks.
First of all, in the left picture I am wearing wedge heels. These have now been retired, as have the worn out jeans featured in the same picture.
Now, in the right picture I sport a confused expression. This is because I am pondering where exactly my feet have gone. You'll also notice the different hand placement. Despite carrying Corbin so high, I can no longer button my pants. And the zippers have gone on strike as well.
Would like to point out I still have ankles at this point. Pretty excited about that fact.
23 Weeks Down, 119 Days to Go!

1 comment:

  1. If you go to Target, they sell a thing called a "Belly Band" and you can put those over the top of your pants so you don't have to button/zip them. :] I had one, but I couldn't stand how tight it was on my belly (that was one of my weird early pregnancy things... nothing tight on the belly)
