
Background Story: Team Green Debate

Repost from Sunday, April 25th, 2010 on the bump blog:

From the beginning I assumed we would find out the sex of the baby as soon as possible. Let's face it, in 2010 with all of the advances in prenatal care and ultrasound technology, that's just what you do. You find out by your ultrasound tech saying "there it is!" or "there it isn't!". And then, once you've got your answer, you go about registering for blue or pink baby clothes and crib bedding and all of the other million gender based items the websites tell you you need for your bundle of joy.

I posted a thread on the bump community board for all the other 2nd trimester preggos to weigh in on to either convince me to find out the sex at our May 25th ultrasound appointment or go for "Team Green" as they call it and wait until the birthday to know the sex. The responses so far have raised several issues I hadn't considered before. So let's work through their comments and pick a team.

Neutral Newborn Gear
If you don't find out the sex, one poster points out, you will be forced to dress your newborn in the neutral onesies you have acquired over the pregnancy.

A team green poster points out that if you plan to have more children, you can reuse neutral items even if the second child is the opposite gender from your first. They also said that once people know boy or girl you will wind up with gender specific gifts that you may or may not be able to re-use.

Unsolicited Comments
Even if a trained ultrasound technician tells you 100% it's a girl at 20 weeks, a stranger will tell you they had a friend's cousin's roommate's neighbor who was told it was a girl and it turned out to be a boy. Or people will tell you "I dunno, you look like you're carrying a boy". And people will negate your diagnosis.

There is also the disappointment factor to contend with. When someone is hoping and praying the baby is a boy and then you find out at 20 weeks it's a girl. You have 20 more weeks to prepare for a girl instead of 20 more weeks of praying for a boy.

Hearing the News: the Atmosphere
Team Blue/Pink posters swear they preferred hearing the news when they were not in pain, not exhausted, not surrounded by a team of medical staff, but in the quiet and comfort of an ultrasound room.

Team Green said an ultrasound room is just anti-climatic.

Hearing the News: the Source
Who would you rather hear the news from: a stranger or the proud father? Give the man his moment to be the one to reveal the gender.

The Wait
Team Blue/Pink said they just couldn't imagine waiting to find out if there was an opportunity to know half way through the pregnancy

Team Green says anticipation only adds to the excitement.

The ultrasound is in a month and I am excited to see the profile again and make sure everything is growing according to schedule. When they ask if we want to know the sex, I'm not sure what we'll say.

More to come.

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