
I got a big belly.

I used to have a cute bump. Now I have a big belly. Soon I will be scaring small children down at the lake when they see my giant uterus coming at them. With my limited knowledge of physics and gravity, I do not see how I will be able to remain upright for 12 more weeks. The skin on my sides is stretched taut even when I'm not having those Braxton Hicks contractions. I am lathering up with lotion everyday to try and prevent the inevitable. But if this belly is on the path I think it is, it's going to be mind blowingly huge.

At my last appointment I was around 24 weeks pregnant, fundal height measuring 27. Your fundal height is the measurement from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus (aka your fundus). It is measured in centimeters and by some weird quirk of nature it should match your week of gestation. I measure big. I measure 3 weeks big at last count. My midwives are confident that it doesn't mean I am doomed to have a ten pound baby, I just have a large uterus. Lucky me.

Actually, lucky baby. Enjoy your giant home while you can Corbin, because once you're evicted I'm doing some serious renovating and getting my pre-pregnant belly back!

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