How far along? 27 weeks today! (3rd Trimester!)
Countdown? 91 days to go!
Exercise: I thought about it. I've been working 3 days in a row, climbing up flights of stairs, waddling around clients, and all the lunging- I feel like I've worked out for hours by the time I get home. If my 4th of July stays open I'll go swimming in the lake.
Stretch marks: I thought I spotted some on my top half yesterday, but it may have been from my clothes. I'm afraid to look again.
Sleep: Had the worst dream last night. Our baby was born 13 weeks too early and his head was the shape of a toilet paper tube. But when I woke up after that dream I couldn't get back to be so I got a head start on today's activities.
Best Moment of the Week: I had a couple come in for a Couples Massage Workshop they pre-paid for in February! They were hilarious and picked up the art of massage very quickly. I love teaching people how to enhance their wellbeing and create a stronger connection using Massage Therapy. Every workshop I teach reaffirms the fact that I got into the perfect field. When I started massage therapy training a week after high school graduation, there were some doubts as to whether or not it was the right fit for me. 5 years later- I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
Worst Moment of the Week: Mugsy got her skin infection back, luckily we still have the topical sprays from the last time she had a flare up, but we did have to shave her again. She was just getting her coat back :(
Movement: Jay felt his first outside kick this week. Jay's dad also got to feel one. I can start to pick up on fetal hiccups which feel like kick but they are more frequent and rhythmic.
Food Craving: Waffles and ice cream
Food Aversions: None this week
Gender: Still a boy
Belly Button: A shallow innie
What I miss: normal dreams
What I'm looking forward to: A trip to New Mexico in a few weeks and a trip to Virginia Beach in August!
About the baby: Looks like almost 2 pounds of my weight gain can be credited to the baby at this point. He should be stretching out about 14 1/2 inches long. He is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and possibly sucking on his thumb (or foot if the ultrasound was correct).
13 more weeks to bake!
6 years ago
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