
28 Weeks

How far along? 28 Weeks 4 days

Countdown: 80 days to go!

Exercise: Bradley class exercises: squats, tailor sitting, pelvic thrusts, and keegals- oh my!

Stretch marks: Yes, but not where you would think.

Sleep: Sleeping more than usual. Sleeping through alarms infact. Jay and I both are trying to enjoy everyday we get to sleep in seeing as how we won't get to sleep in again for 18 years.

Best Moment of The Week: My best friend offered to host a baby shower when I visit home next month! I'm super excited to play all the dorky games and see my friends and family all in one place!

Worst Moment of The Week: Organizing my bills. I really don't like bills.

Movement: Oh yea, tons of it. He's a little jumping bean. Our midwife Patty was able to track his position in our appointment today. She said he's already head down and will probably stay that way, only moving side to side from here on out.

Food Craving: BBQ & frozen ice pops

Food Aversion: Veggies that are not green.

Gender: Still a boy

Belly Button: I am determined to make it stay an innie.

What I miss: fitting into those last pair of pre-pregnancy pants. Dresses & elastic bands until October- sarcastic "yay"

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Jay's family in New Mexico this weekend.

About the baby: Weighing in at 2.25 lbs, stretching out to about 14.8 inches long. Baby is growing! He can blink his new eyelashes and begin to detect light outside of the womb. This week we're working on developing the brain and packing on the pounds to prepare him for the outside world.

At my 28 week appointment today, the midwife said I was measuring 32 weeks! Good gravy almighty- 4 weeks ahead now?? We're unclear about the date of my missed period so our due date has been a guess this whole time, but come on already. She said she wouldn't be surprised if I'm more pregnant than we think in which case we would be going into labor much sooner than expected. Uh oh. So much for "plenty of time". Time is definitely running out to get ready for this little guy's arrival, including the much needed time I need to convince myself I can infact go natural.

Also learned that I have gained an impressive 33.25 lbs in four months. I hope he plans on taking most of that with him when he leaves. Oh how I long to get back into derby. I'd be pretty effective with take outs at this size!

1 comment:

  1. I gained 40 pounds with Hunter. At 2 weeks post, I had lost all but 6 pounds. Now I'm hovering around the 4-5 pound to go mark. I still have a nice little FUPA, but I hope to work on that once I'm given the okay to workout. You have been active your pregnancy so the pounds should melt right off. :] And if you breast feed that will help!
