How far along: 30 Weeks
Countdown: 70 days!
Exercise: We went on a 2 mile nature walk outside of Albequerque last week with Jay's mother and sister. And today we're going swimming in the lake. Maybe get Mugsy to swim too!
Stretch marks: Yup, still not disclosing where they are though.
Sleep: Is the best thing in the world. We are enjoying every minute we can.
Best Moment of the Week: Landed my first location to start teaching Group Massage Workshops AND I found a massage therapist to take over my clinic's lease while I'm on maternity leave!!
Worst Moment of the Week: Leaving New Mexico. I know Jay didn't have enough time to see everyone he wanted to see, but I was glad to meet as much of his family as I did.
Movement: Corbin knows Riverdance apparently. Lots of spasms and they are starting to become predictable, like after I eat or when I lay down.
Food Craving: Pizza and salt
Food Aversions: Healthy food. I'm eating it, but it's work.
Gender: All Male
Belly Button: Is not an "innie" or an "outie" it is just flush with the rest of the belly. :(
What I miss: being able to stand up on my own from squatting or sitting on the floor.
What I'm looking forward too: Going to the lake today! I've been in my bathing suit, greased up with suntan lotion for an hour now in anticipation.
About the baby: Baby is the size of a head of cabbage. Roughly 15.7 inches long and almost 3 pounds. He is surrounded by only a pint and a half of amniotic fluid and that amount will decrease as he grows and takes up more room. So much for my water breaking in a dramatic Hollywood inspired flood. He's working on developing his eyesight and growing his brain mass this week. It's likely that he can detect changes in light outside the womb and may even start responding to different environments.
Jay and I are getting anxious/excited to meet this little person and see who he looks more like (the competitve nature of our relationship never ends :) ). He is working away on our hangar, installing the cam light fixtures and running the electrical loops for the downstairs today. I'm so proud of how hard he is working to get the space liveable for us and our new son. But I hope he can find a break point soon so we can dip in the water! :) All work and no play makes Jay a dull boy.
6 years ago