
34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks!

Countdown: 42 days to go! I made a countdown calendar out of post-it notes and put it on our bedroom wall. Pretty sure I freaked Jay out with the visual representation of how little time we have left.

Exercise: I bounce on my birth ball in what will be our living room while Jay works on the house. I sweat buckets and eventually waddle back to the AC. Still teaching Couples Massage Workshops so I stay active in this final part of the pregnancy.

Stretch Marks: The silvery ones on my ta ta's disappeared! I haven't noticed any anywhere else *knock on wood*.

Sleep: Sleep is great. Jay has had to wake up at 6:30am everyday this week to work early before it hits 100 outside. I sleep right through his alarm. I sleep right through my first two or three alarms. The only bad night I had was the night I brought that stray dog home and slept on the couch so she wouldn't cry all night. 8.5 month pregnant girl curled up on half a couch was a bad idea, but I have since fully recovered.

Best Moment of the Week: The stray pup I took to the Christ Yoder Animal Shelter on Tuesday was reportedly reunited with his family on Friday!

Worst Moment of the Week: I mistakenly called mg "megagrams" instead of "milligrams" and I'm pretty sure I will never hear the end of it.

Movement: Corbin is getting really good at jostling the laptop when I rest it on my belly. He can also knock over empty water bottles and move the remote. He likes to stop moving as soon as Jay goes to feel.

Food Craving: Yes. All of it. I would like all of it. I would totally drive an hour out of the way for some Arby's right now. Also, milk.

Food Aversions: pears surprisingly enough. Our green thumb neighbor grew some and gave us a bag of my favorite fruit and I haven't had a single one yet.

Gender: We've put our money on blue.

Belly Button: Jay has been trying to pop it like a pimple to pop out. I will tape it down if he succeeds.

What I miss: Being helpful. I really wish I could help Jay with the insullation and the dry wall tonight. Instead I'm inside in the AC blogging.

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little guy. We've been dreaming about what he looks like and I'm really curious how much he will resemble his Dad.

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