How far along: 31 weeks 1 day (although there still is some confusion about that)
Countdown: 62 days (yikes! 2 months? Really?!)
Exercise: played in the garden for 15 minutes yesterday. It's too damn hot to be messing with dead plants and dirt.
Stretch marks: turning from silver to purplish color. We won't have any problems as long as they don't turn red on me.
Sleep: I was excited to have the bed to myself this weekend, when Jay went out of town. Mugsy had plans to seize the opportunity as well. She knows I don't wake up when she climbs up and I won't notice as she slowly takes over 3/4 of the bed. I woke up with such bad back pain from being contorted around this dog. It'll be nice to have Jay back tonight.
Best Moment of the Week: Took Mugsy swimming in the lake.
Worst Moment of the Week: Everywhere Mugsy clawed me to get out of the water, I had a bruise under each scratch. Turns out I'm anemic and get to take this gross iron supplement called Floradix for the remainder of the pregnancy. It's not cheap either. I got it from the farmers market for $24 for 250mL (each dose is 10mL and I take 3 day. . . so that's $3 a day for this stuff)
Movement: Corbin has found this spot above my hip bone and it tickles so much when he kicks it or jabs at it with his hands.
Food Craving: I drove a half hour to Marble Falls to get some curly fries and a chocolate milk shake. I couldn't think about anything else until I had it.
Food Adversions: peaches. Everyone loves peaches in Texas. There are numerous road side stands along the highways that sell nothing but Fredricksburg peaches. Neighbors leave peaches in bags on our doorstep. I don't like peaches.
Gender: Still a boy from what we can tell
Belly Button: I can feel the back of the knot just slightly higher than my belly. :(
What I miss: my old clothes. I just stored another trash bag full of clothes I don't fit in. I tried to get away with not buttoning the jeans, but even my long shirts aren't long enough to cover the open zipper and no one needs to see that.
What I'm looking forward to: Flying home to VB this Wednesday! Taking my former landlord to court this Thursday! Date with my BFF (shark week) this Friday! Catch a little derby practice on Saturday! Baby shower on Sunday!! Shadow Janice and check out a real college class on Monday! Fly back to TX on Tuesday! And try and see about 100 friends and family in between. Maybe a little karaoke action in there somewhere too.
About the baby: Stretching around 16 inches long, weighing in at a hefty 3.3 lbs, Corbin is now able to turn his head side to side and he continues to wiggle his chubby little arms and legs, although he is beginning to get pretty cramped in there. We're working on developing his brain and other organs, so per the request of Jay and the approval of my MWs I'm now taking Fish Oil pills everyday. (Prenatal vitamins, fish oil pills, and flordix supplements- lucky me)
6 years ago
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